Mudstop Woven Geotextile, a very basic installation guide
A basic guide to installing Mudstop Woven Geotextile

A typical installation is as follows: The subgrade should be properly compacted, depressions and holes filled and large stones, roots, and other debris removed prior to placement to prevent fabric damage from tearing or puncturing during stone placement. The fabric is rolled out loosely, without wrinkles and folds and placed in direct contact with the soil with a 1m overlap when used on roads and driveways.
The geotextile is then covered by 300 mm of loosely placed GAP 40 mm aggregate prior to compaction.
For temporary applications including erosion control on slopes Mudstop is rolled down the slope and overlapped a minimum of 300mm. Ground staples are placed at 500mm centres. The length of staple is dependent upon soil type and can be 150mm, 200mm or in case of soft soil 300mm. Mudstop can be cut using scissors. Mudstop 165gsm has a limited UV life and is designed for permanent installation under roadways or temporary exposed use to strengthen soil and reducing erosion.