Weed Matting

Premium Growers Weed Matting

Weed Matting

Our weed matting is a premium product manufactured in a tight weave polypropylene with a thread count of 96 x 44 /10cm which is micro perforated for air and water penetration.

Noweed has a tensile strength of 16kN in the cross direction (weft) and 22kN in the machine direction (warp) (AS 3706.2). It has a flow rate (under 100mm head of water) of 15 l/m2/sec (AS 3706.9). In real terms the flow rate of rainfall and fertilizers will be slowly fed when laid horizontally. Manufactured on state-of-the-art Sulzer looms it can be made up to 5m wide.

To use weed matting it is important to remove weeds prior to pinning down. This can be done by steaming to be chemical free. The important thing is to remove any weed seeds and bulbs which will grow beneath the fabric. The reason is that our weed matting has micro-pores to allow nutrients and air to permeate through the fabric. Without these pores the soil will sour over time, and would be the same as laying down plain polyethylene builders film (weeds will die but so will the soil).

Therefore, weeds must be eradicated prior to planting trees and crops. The marker lines on the fabric allow for easy placement of plants by simply cutting an X. The tight weave of Noweed will resist falling apart.

If using on steep embankments or where a specific amount of water, etc needs to penetrate, additional watering methods should be used such as drip feeding at the plant. The product can be left exposed or covered. Fully exposed it should last upwards of 8-10 years, covered it should last indefinitely.

Use ground staples (available from Permathene) to pin it to the ground. Cut an X where each plant is to be placed. You can use the marker lines (every 300mm) as a guide.

Historically weed matting was manufactured in Australia, Europe (UK, Belgium) and the USA and was a product which was designed to last. Now these products are imported on a price per kg and sold through chains with no consideration with regards to hydraulic performance and UV life. Typically they're either a spunbonded nonwoven (guaranteed to turn to dust) or a lightweight 85gsm polypropylene with a wide weave count.

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